Friday, April 15, 2011



Seemly, it is a belief that we are born into a democratic society. That we are born into a privileged world for having the right to vote is impressed upon some of us. Our fathers and grandfathers fought a war for our freedom, and they won that war. Some may say that we are LUCKY; we could be living under some dictatorship.
         Then there are a growing number of us citizens that now believe that we live under a disguised  

Real Democracy is when everyone is involved in the decision making process.

Parliament began as a body that represented feudal nobles by feudal nobles, this evolved into a parliament, which represented land-owning and agricultural interests more generally. The great Reform Act of 1832 then extended this to wealthy industrialist’s and property owners. The vote was eventually given to every adult over 18 years but by that time the process of voting was completely rigged.

[Look at 'EnglishCivilWar' by Diane Purkiss; see exactly where and what parliament was and how it was set-up].

All the main parties support and cling to the present system. If any party elected to office, and then start to try & change the system at its heart, they would last as long as it took the ‘real-policy-makers’ to get tanks and troops onto the streets.

So who are the real-policy-makers? The real policy makers are in fact 125 of the world’s wealthiest and therefore powerful industrialist’s, royalty, the mason’s and various ‘roundtables’ and of course the powerful Bilderberg Group. The Bilderberg Group seems to come out as the most senior and powerful of such secret groups. These people own their own Banks, worldwide corporations and the Media. In fact, between them they own the world, everything we buy or need each and every day as a necessity is owned by these people.

The Bilderberg group meets in secret; there are no paper documents, no minutes of meetings. They are totally unaccountable. These people have set up this charade to give us the _illusion_ of freedom so that they can continue to exploit us.

           They make sure that everyone involved in the political arena feels their influence.

Sure a few radicals have made it to prominent positions but they are soon forced out of office. Minor changes can be made but ultimately this system is for the ruling classes and is designed to enslave us while protecting the wealthy. Look closely at our system of governance and you will realise that its geared entirely towards them and the accumulation of capital.

The first past the post system is an absurd way of judging who should govern us. And who says who needs to be governed anyway?

When you vote you are giving away your power in saying that you need someone else to make decisions for you. But you don’t, we can and do govern ourselves with the decisions we make every day. The workings of government are only there to protect capitalist’s interests putting profits before the interest of the people. We are brainwashed into thinking that politicians are working for us, when they are in fact just the puppets the corporations. Voting changes nothing, in fact it only serves to legitimise their corrupt system.

Politicians must really look down on the general public to want to rule over them. What do they think we will do without them dictating to us?

And if this system is fair then why do political parties dominate it? Why should my representative be affiliated to a party?

This makes no sense to me, but it does if you consider that they are trying to pull the wool over our eyes. All their petty squabbling is designed to turn us off politics, to make us look the other way while they get on passing draconian laws. For us there are football matches that have increased the amount of games played. This undoubtedly takes the spirit and rational thinking at a time when folk are not working, exactly how the oligarch's like it. All three main parties have the same agenda and they are subordinate to one person, the Queen.*
Many people believe that the Queen has no power anymore. I think this is bollocks. If one becomes a member of parliament you have to swear allegiance to the Queen of England, as do the military, police, civil-servants etc.; none of the fore mentioned bodies swear allegiance to the people.

This basically means she is in charge and that we have been conned into thinking she is just our figure head and has no say in the working of parliament.

When push comes to shove it will be her troops on the streets and her politicians will be directing them. She is also the richest woman in the world and as we all know, money talks in capitalist society. She has her fingers in many pies, shares in all the richest corporations and huge tracts of land all over the world. So you can see the Queen benefits hugely from capitalism and if all politicians and military personnel throughout the commonwealth are subordinate to her, then we are not going to get rid of this system and gain our freedom through her majesties government.

The Queens cousin, The Duke of Kent, is the highest ranking freemason and all the Royals are basically above the law. They do what the fuck they want.

We need to wake up to this fact and start challenging this power structure.

This cannot be achieved through our present ‘parliamentary-form-of-democracy’.

The Freemasons and the Royals have the real power in this country as well as abroad, it’s interesting to know that all the forty three Presidents of the U.S.A have direct genetic links to the European Royal families, or family, as they are all related to each other. Obviously we need to live together on this planet and so we do need some form of decision making.

In fact we should all be involved in decisions that affect our lives-* this is Democracy.

This article was written to question our beliefs on democracy. Is it really worth legitimising by putting an X by the name of someone you don’t know, who isn’t going to do anything for you the constituent, even if she or he wanted?

The system is dominated solely by those politicians who once elected will tell you something that you know to be untrue. 
                                                       Bring Back Democracy !

This article is thanks to 'fuffydave' di DOODA, of ‘the propaganja machine’. The article entitled ‘Democracy is a Sham’ was printed in the London & Global Underground Party (etc) Magazine called Shangri-la-la.( I picked this magazine up in Amsterdam, Holland, Nov; 2001)

         NB.  New submissions that were not in the first articale by is the addition of     
        'The Bilderberg Group' and the piece bellow re:* Rockafella, The Scipps Bank                             Otherwise, the above text is the work of  fuffydave di Dooda.

* Though it is stated that the Queen is held as a all powerful person. It has been stated that there are four people who hold real power. These four are accountable to the Lord Mayor of London ( and this is not Boris Johnson), but each of the four men are representatives of the four major banks in Londons square mile of wealth. Each of the four serves a particular bank, of these are the Rockerfella Bank, The Scripps Bank, John Morgan Bank & one other the name evades me at the moment. These are the mosdt powerful men in the country.

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