Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Dad Gives 2-Year-Old THC Oil to Fight Brain Cancer, Son Now Cancer Free.


In Caliafornia USA, of the 28,000 patients receiving medical marijuanna (medical-cannabis)

53 are kids. Ref: Above video at approx; 09:10 of this 11min 22sec video.

1 comment:

irrahayes said...

In the interests of imperical research, views of the people, etc&co; Please leave your comment on this and other articles within this blog-site.
What do folk think of the video '- "Dad Gives 2 Year-Old THC Oil to Fight Brain Cancer,Son Now Cancer Free."

If you have not seen the video please state the fact of same. And just add how the title makes you feel.
Example - Do you accept the right of a parent to cure son 'outside' of the mainstream conventional route.