Please take a few minutes to look at the Winston Mathews case and the
campaign to obtain his release from prison. Winston Mathews a disabled
man from Surry, was found to be guilty of growing 'one cannabis plant' at
his home in Horley, Surry.
Winston had found that all the Pharmaceutical drugs he had tried merely
aliviated one part of his problem but caused another problem (side-effect),
for which he was prescribed yet another pharmaceutical drug to counter
said side-effect.
Winston like many others , have found that smoking and/or eating cannabis
has given him a better quality of life, a feeling of natural & healthy well-being
that was not forthcoming with prescribed chemical drugs prescribing previously.
Like other countries of the E.U and some 14 states of the USA, cannabis is
available to citizens through Compassionate Clubs or Dispensaries in America
and via Coffee-Shops in Netherlands to Cannabis Social Clubs (CSC) in Spain,
and throughout Europe. Yet, here in the U.K we are so much more oppressed
than most other member-states within the European Union in my opinion.
That conculsion comes to the fore of one's mind when arriving back in the U.K
from Europe and after walking through airports that were more relaxed,
like train stations, where you may not even need to show your passport that is
ready & in hand.
To arriving at Heathrow Airport and are greeted by the large & motionless
machine touting police-officer standing with peak of his cap obscuring his eyes
& his automatic weapon across his chest handled so as ready for action if needed.
A menacing site and makes one feel that they are coming home to a prison island
after bearing in a more tolerant society, wherever in europe. Not so long ago it
would and was percieved to be the opposite & proud to be seen as such a just
and tolerant society.
And today each and every one of us is photograhed by cctv over & over again,
and that argument that goes ' if you have done nothing wrong then why would
you be worried about it' , that is absolutely a very niave statement & would easily
be shown to be so.
A society where the police & CPS there by the government the to prosecute people
like Winston Mathews ( Horley,Surrey), imprisoned for 16 months for 'cultivating' one
cannabis plant, for peronal use ( or 'Percy'), this was not disputed by prosecuting counsel.
His own Counsil 'failed' Winston Mathews, at the 'appeal hearing' his barrister actually
told the Judge in Winston's absence, that Winston was 'both physically and mentally
dependant on cannabis'. This is total rubbish. Winston would not have condoned this.
As the Judge said, 'at last hearing', "Winston himself said", "I will grow cannabis again,
'come hell or high water'"
Winston Mathews is a well informed individual on a variety of subjects, and is perhaps
some thing of an expert on cannabis both its botanical aspects and its cultural &
political history. He had some knowledge in Human Rights, and legal aspects
around cannabis and the law. And anything he did not know he knew someone
who did.
Human Rights (H.R) Under the H.R Act, Section: [FactCheck] it states that we must
be given 'a right to a private life', meaning basically, it is not enough for an officer
of the law to 'suspect that a person made be doing something illegal inside their
home' as long as there is not any one else being harmed, disturbed, offended, etc;
then the law, the illegality of what is thought to be occurring within a residence,
is not enough to go busting down peoples front doors, just because someone thinks
wrong doing is in process. However, if someone telephones the police then they are
duty bound to investigate. No one complained about Winston Mathews. on the contrary.
In many cases to find nothing or a little 'percy' at best.
In Winston's case the police knew he was somewhat dis-abled, yet when they
arrived at Winston's home & Winston opened the door to them, and he asked
to see a 'warrent to search his premises', at this point apperently two officers
forced forward and picked Winston up from his his in a Rugby tackle and
forced him backwards through the air and Winston with broken back.
So where is the 'Public good' in all this.? There is no victim. Apart from Winston.
He was managing his condition better for the past years and been happier than
Living alone as he did mean't that going to prison was not the end of it, the
police would now have to inform his landlords that he had grown a cannabis-
plant whilst living in one of their properties. The Rubbarb at the end of his garden and
whose leaves can kill a human if eaten, weren't mentioned in court.
The cannabis plant 'just one plant', could mean that he would come out of prison with
no home to return to, however, this has been averted by his friends who have chipped in
making sure his rent is paid and his dog is fed.
Winston's barrister should not have said ~quote "both mentally &
physically dependant". Winston would be the first to explain to people that cannabis
was not addictive. It is a 'euphoriant' but unlike most other chemicals, it is not
toxic, it is natural, it is safe, but just like anything, an informed account of cannabis
is preferable if one is thinking of trying it.
Winston is not dependant on cannabis any more than he is on a cup of tea,
he did not drink alcohol, but he loved his cups of tea.
Winston was also campaigned for cannabis Coffee-Shops in the U.K and did manage
with Chris Baldwin and Nol von Schiak of Willy Wordel's, Coffee Shops
situated in the town of 'Harlam', nr.Amsterdam, Netherlands, open a notorious Coffee-Shop
for some 7 months.
The shop would be busted by police one day, the next day the shop would be open for business.
This went on for some time, indeed while this was going on another second shop
was opened.
Until eventually Chris Baldwin was imprisoned and Winston was
given a suspended sentence. As for Nol, well I would hazard a guess he went home to
the Netherlands & his Willy Wordel's Coffe-Shop's, and well worth a visit if your over there.
please write to Winston Mathews at Highdown Prison A8167ck
Highdown Lane