Tuesday, July 20, 2010

LBBDCivilSociety in dAgEnhaM: HIDDEN SECRETS

LBBDCivilSociety in dAgEnhaM: HIDDEN SECRETS




Sunday, July 4, 2010

LBBDCivilSociety in dAgEnhaM: LBBDCivilSociety in dAgEnhaM: Mark Oaten at Dagenham Village

LBBDCivilSociety in dAgEnhaM: LBBDCivilSociety in dAgEnhaM: Mark Oaten at Dagenham Village

LBBDCivilSociety in dAgEnhaM: Mark Oaten at Dagenham Village

LBBDCivilSociety in dAgEnhaM: Mark Oaten at Dagenham Village

comments_image 95 COMMENTS

Pot Versus Alcohol: Experts Say Booze Is the Bigger Danger

For more than three decades, America's marijuana policies have been based upon rhetoric. Perhaps it's time to begin listening to what the experts have to say.
July 1, 2010 |

Speaking privately with Richard Nixon in 1971, the late Art Linkletter offered this view on the use of marijuana versus alcohol. "When people smoke marijuana, they smoke it to get high. In every case, when most people drink, they drink to be sociable."

"That's right, that's right," Nixon agreed. "A person does not drink to get drunk A person drinks to have fun."

The following year Linkletter announced that he had reversed his position on pot, concluding instead that the drug's social harms were not significant enough to warrant its criminal prohibition. Nixon however stayed the course -- launching the so-called "war" on drugs, a social policy that now results in the arrest of more than 800,000 Americans each year for violating marijuana laws.

Decades later, the social debate regarding the use of marijuana versus alcohol rages on. Yet among objective experts who have studied the issue there remains little debate at all. Despite pot's long-standing criminalization, scientists agree that the drug possesses far less harm than its legal and celebrated companion, alcohol.

After quantifying the harms associated with both drugs, the researchers concluded: "Overall, most of these risks (associated with marijuana) areFor example, in the mid-1990s, the World Health Organization commissioned a team of experts to compare the health and societal consequences of marijuana use compared to other drugs, including alcohol, nicotine, and opiates. small to moderate in size. In aggregate they are unlikely to produce public health problems comparable in scale to those currently produced by alcohol and tobacco On existing patterns of use, cannabis poses a much less serious public health problem than is currently posed by alcohol and tobacco in Western societies."

French scientists at the state medical research institute INSERM published a similar review in 1998. Researchers categorized legal and illegal drugs into three distinct categories: Those that pose the greatest threat to public health, those that pose moderate harms to the public, and those substances that pose little-to-no danger. Alcohol, heroin, and cocaine were placed in the most dangerous category, while investigators determined that cannabis posed the least danger to public health.

In 2002, a special Canadian Senate Committee completed an exhaustive review of marijuana and health, concluding, "Scientific evidence overwhelmingly indicates that cannabis is substantially less harmful than alcohol and should be treated not as a criminal issue but as a social and public health issue."

In 2007, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare hired a team of scientists to assess the impact of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs on public health. Researcher reported that the consumption of alcohol was significant contributors to death and disease. "Alcohol harm was responsible for 3.2 percent of the total burden of disease and injury in Australia," they concluded. By comparison, cannabis use was responsible for zero deaths and only 0.2 percent of the estimated total burden of disease and injury in Australia.

iGoogleOmega-3 Essential Fatty Acids and the Brain

iGoogleOmega-3 Essential Fatty Acids and the Brain



Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids and the Brain

One of the most important fats to be getting in the diet are fats from the Omega-3 family. Omega-3 fats are fast moving fats that are critical for optimal brain and eye function. These fats are called essential fatty acids, which means the body can't make them on its own. It needs to get them from food. The problem is that the Standard American Diet also known as SAD, has very little if any Omega-3 in it. IN fact 20% of Americans have Omega-3 levels so low they defy detection.


irra said...

I and many others I know have been saying this fact, have been writing papers with this and other such facts.
All of which, the U.S.A government has mis-informed the people since 'Marijuana Madness' decades ago, then the reason was a racist agenda by that government. The message being that 'Jazz' music was 'evil' & as it was -evil- black folk who played good Jazz music, then by association they were evil. This originally used on Mexican ~peasants, and before that the Chinese explosion experts who blew the tunnels through mountains for the Steam-Train that was the new vehicle for travelling further & faster. But as a product Hemp is the number one for Essential fatty acids, in exact ratio for humans & the body is able to 'uptake' these 'Essential food-stuff. Moreover, plantation's of Hemp (grown for the fiber or for flowers),reflect the Ozone back into outer-space, whence it came. It has many others positives on Co2, the soil, NO Floods, clothes that do stop 95% of the suns U.V-rays, best that can be achieved with man made textiles is between 2% - 30% thereabouts. Hemp can treble this highest figure without tightly weaved thread. The earth benefits from the growing of hemp, besides the farmers being able to get their teeth into the job at hand, and hemp does not need rotating like other crops. Strongest ropes, best building materials for house building, hemp stronger than steel as shown by Henry Ford decades ago, when he made the first car out of Hemp. Also, hemp made the sustainable fuel. So why was it not seized upon back then, well J.A.Anslinger, Dupont and Hearst had invested vast sums of money into producing Nylon rope & other nylon products. If not banned, with the advent of the 'Decorter' hemp would have ruined these three afore mentioned men and their business's. Hence the Tax Act of 1937. And the rest is the criminalization of mankind.irra

Pot Versus Alcohol: Experts Say Booze Is the Bigger Danger | | AlterNet

Pot Versus Alcohol: Experts Say Booze Is the Bigger Danger | | AlterNet
comments_image 91 COMMENTS

Pot Versus Alcohol: Experts Say Booze Is the Bigger Danger

For more than three decades, America's marijuana policies have been based upon rhetoric. Perhaps it's time to begin listening to what the experts have to say.
July 1, 2010 |

Speaking privately with Richard Nixon in 1971, the late Art Linkletter offered this view on the use of marijuana versus alcohol. "When people smoke marijuana, they smoke it to get high. In every case, when most people drink, they drink to be sociable."

"That's right, that's right," Nixon agreed. "A person does not drink to get drunk A person drinks to have fun."

The following year Linkletter announced that he had reversed his position on pot, concluding instead that the drug's social harms were not significant enough to warrant its criminal prohibition. Nixon however stayed the course -- launching the so-called "war" on drugs, a social policy that now results in the arrest of more than 800,000 Americans each year for violating marijuana laws.

Decades later, the social debate regarding the use of marijuana versus alcohol rages on. Yet among objective experts who have studied the issue there remains little debate at all. Despite pot's long-standing criminalization, scientists agree that the drug possesses far less harm than its legal and celebrated companion, alcohol.

For example, in the mid-1990s, the World Health Organization commissioned a team of experts to compare the health and societal consequences of marijuana use compared to other drugs, including alcohol, nicotine, and opiates. After quantifying the harms associated with both drugs, the researchers concluded: "Overall, most of these risks (associated with marijuana) are small to moderate in size. In aggregate they are unlikely to produce public health problems comparable in scale to those currently produced by alcohol and tobacco On existing patterns of use, cannabis poses a much less serious public health problem than is currently posed by alcohol and tobacco in Western societies."

French scientists at the state medical research institute INSERM published a similar review in 1998. Researchers categorized legal and illegal drugs into three distinct categories: Those that pose the greatest threat to public health, those that pose moderate harms to the public, and those substances that pose little-to-no danger. Alcohol, heroin, and cocaine were placed in the most dangerous category, while investigators determined that cannabis posed the least danger to public health.

In 2002, a special Canadian Senate Committee completed an exhaustive review of marijuana and health, concluding, "Scientific evidence overwhelmingly indicates that cannabis is substantially less harmful than alcohol and should be treated not as a criminal issue but as a social and public health issue."

In 2007, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare hired a team of scientists to assess the impact of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs on public health. Researcher reported that the consumption of alcohol was significant contributors to death and disease. "Alcohol harm was responsible for 3.2 percent of the total burden of disease and injury in Australia," they concluded. By comparison, cannabis use was responsible for zero deaths and only 0.2 percent of the estimated total burden of disease and injury in Australia.

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  • There has been a concerted effort for years to have marijuana unbanned in S.Africa!
    So far it has not happened but it is ongoing.
    It is especially used by black Africans throughout the continent for either socialising or medicinal purposes!
    Drinking of course could be even more innocuous unless one does not know when to stop.
    Or drink and drive, which you should never, ever do!
    By having two beers, you actually are over the legal limit already!
    You may say that is laughable and probably is until you have an accident and injure someone. You will then be accused of drunk driving and a hefy penalty or even jailtime is your fate!

Friday, July 2, 2010



Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids and the Brain

One of the most important fats to be getting in the diet are fats from the Omega-3 family. Omega-3 fats are fast moving fats that are critical for optimal brain and eye function. These fats are called essential fatty acids, which means the body can't make them on its own. It needs to get them from food. The problem is that the Standard American Diet also known as SAD, has very little if any Omega-3 in it. IN fact 20% of Americans have Omega-3 levels so low they defy detection.

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Thursday, July 1, 2010

'Real Labour' candidate exploits expenses loophole to move to Notting Hill | Mail Online

'Real Labour' candidate exploits expenses loophole to move to Notting Hill | Mail Online

related to this article:

'Real Labour' candidate exploits expenses loophole to move to Notting Hill


Last updated at 15:22 27 May 2007

Jon Cruddas

Left-winger Mr Cruddas has attacked Labour plans for more choice in education and criticised the lack of homes for working-class families

Labour deputy leadership challenger Jon Cruddas was accused of 'double standards' as it was revealed he bought a £500,000 second home to be close to his child's elite selective school.

Left-winger Mr Cruddas has attacked Labour plans for more choice in education and criticised the lack of homes for working-class families.

But he sends his own child to one of Britain's most exclusive Roman Catholic schools. And he owns two London homes, one of which is empty most of the time, thanks to claiming £60,000 in tax-free Commons housing expenses in the past three years.

The Mail on Sunday can reveal that the MP - who has styled himself the "Real Labour" candidate for the deputy leadership - has exploited a loophole in the Commons regulations which allows him to claim for the cost of the mortgage interest for his £500,000 flat in upmarket Notting Hill - just round the corner from David Cameron - which he bought in 2004.

At around the same time his child began attending the Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School half a mile away in Holland Park.

Mr Cruddas, a former Downing Street adviser to Tony Blair on unions, last week disowned neighbouring Labour MP Margaret Hodge's controversial call to give British families precedence over recent immigrants in the council-house queue.

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Jon Cruddas owns a £500,000 flat, right, four miles west of the Commons in Notting Hill. Far right: He also owns a £160,000 house in Dagenham, just 13 miles east of Westminster

He said race was irrelevant, insisting: "The problem is lack of housing supply."

But as well as the Notting Hill flat, he also owns a £160,000 Thirties terrace former council house in his East London constituency of Dagenham, where there is an acute shortage of cheap family accommodation.

He is rarely seen at the house, according to neighbours. Asked if Mr Cruddas and his family had ever been spotted, one said: "I've only seen him, not the rest of the family." Another said: "Whenever he comes, he doesn't stay long."

A senior Labour MP told The Mail on Sunday: "Jon is guilty of double standards. On the one hand he attacks selection in education and then sends his child to one of the most selective state schools in the country.

"Then he moans about New Labour's failure to provide more affordable accommodation while he himself claims expenses from the taxpayer to buy a second home, when one of his homes could be occupied by a hard-working low-income family."

Mr Cruddas, one of the favourites to succeed John Prescott, has criticised Tony Blair's attempts to introduce more choice in secondary education through city academies, saying: "We should be reviewing them and asking what empirical evidence there has been about them."

Yet the school his own child attends is far from being a 'bog-standard comprehensive'.

The Cardinal Vaughan, where pupils are required to learn Latin and attend weekly Mass, is four times oversubscribed and selects its children according to the religious commitment of the pupil and his parents - and their proximity to the school.

Extra points are awarded to applicants whose parents volunteer for church cleaning duties.

The school is surrounded by some of Britain's most elegant and expensive property and parents tend to be wealthy or middle-class. Only 25 per cent of children are from ethnic minorities - low for a school in Central London.

The voluntary-aided school is free of local authority control and has some of the best exam results of any state school in London. It sends around nine students a year to Oxford and Cambridge, more than many fee-paying schools.

Its results easily outclass its more famous Roman Catholic rival, the London Oratory in Fulham, where Tony Blair sent his three eldest children.

By contrast, the secondary school nearest to Mr Cruddas's constituency home is Dagenham Park Community School, which is one of London's bottom 20 in terms of exam achievement, according to the latest league tables.

The pupils are drawn mainly from local working-class council estates and the school's results at every stage are well below the national average.

Because his constituency is considered 'outer London' Mr Cruddas is legally entitled to Parliamentary expenses for a second home. Inner London MPs have to make do with a £2,613-a-year London weighting allowance.

Last year Mr Cruddas received £21,535 in taxpayer-funded accommodation allowances - close to the maximum permitted. This is on top of his £59,000 salary and generous pension scheme.

MPs like Mr Cruddas have traditionally been allowed to claim the so-called Additional Costs Allowance to fund bolt-holes near the Commons so they can avoid late-night journeys home after Commons votes.

However, his Notting Hill flat is more than four miles west of Parliament, while his Dagenham home is only 13 miles away in the other direction.

Mr Cruddas has told the Commons fees office that his 'main home' is the one in the constituency. He claims expenses on his 'second home' in Notting Hill.

MPs can use Commons accommodation allowances to pay for mortgage interest, essential repairs, white goods and furniture.

The flat in a handsome pre-war mansion block was bought for £375,000 in July 2004 and is now worth more than £500,000. Previously he lived in a flat close to Lord's cricket ground in North-West London.

Mr Cruddas bought his Dagenham house in 2002 for £105,000 and it is now worth £160,000, a profit of more than 50 per cent over four years.

Mr Cruddas has pledged to renounce the title of Deputy PM and the Dorneywood grace-and-favour mansion used by John Prescott if he is elected.

He has the support of the two giant trade unions Amicus and the T&G, who back his opposition to the New Labour policy of introducing more private sector involvement in public services such as schools and hospitals.

As well as living in an ultra-trendy neighbourhood, the MP recently joined one of the most sought-after golf clubs in Britain, Walton Heath in the joining fee is £3,500 and annual fee is £1,500. It was once captained by the Duke of Windsor.

Mr Cruddas, the son of a Helston sailor, attended a Roman Catholic school.

His wife Anna Healy, another Labour veteran, has worked as an aide to the late Mo Mowlam.

Mr Cruddas denied he had moved simply to get his child into Cardinal Vaughan school. "My child went to the local Catholic Primary and then followed friends to the secondary school.

"I am a product of a Catholic Comprehensive and so is my child,' he said.

"I have been critical of the City Academy programme, but I have always been supportive of Catholic comprehensives."

He confirmed that he claimed expenses on the Notting Hill property following advice and said it had been approved by the Commons fees office.

He admitted that he had made little use of his Dagenham house recently.

"With all the campaigning I have not been there for a few months. But I do go regularly.

"The family do come up quite a lot during the school holidays.

"I have never had anything to hide. I have always been upfront. Having the constituency house allows me to divide my time during the week."

Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not debate this issue live on our message boards.

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Another nu-labour champagne socialist.

Click to rate Rating 11

The country is getting rid of one Socialist spiv, John Prescott world traveller on the peoples purse - THEN like buses there is another right behind it. Enter stage LEFT is Jon Cruddas!!! More like more CRUD to me. Is there no honest person in the Socialist government? A waste of space the lot of them and not fit for purpose.

Click to rate Rating 9

Ho Hum....! Same old, same old double standards. Are there NO honest and sincere men and women in the House of Commons ? Methinks not.

Click to rate Rating 9

Well, he is in the right party isn't he - they are all hypocrites, don't do as I do, do as I say - what a sad state poor Britain is now in. Why do these parasites have to have help with mortgages etc when the have such huge salaries?

Click to rate Rating 6

It's not for the likes of us to criticise our betters.

Click to rate Rating 5

How very Labour- whatever education standards and housing are good enough for the British people are certainly not good enough for a well off socialist grandee like Jon Cruddas.

Click to rate Rating 6

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